Walnut Hardwood Industries, Inc. hardwoodind.com Hardwood Industries, Inc. www.hardwoodind.com Front Back Cabinet Calico grades standard NHLA #1C at H/M with the following exceptions: • Heart: Grade Face: less than 70% heart face. and/or Back Face: less than 50% heart face. • Graded from the worst face after surfacing. • Dimensions: Width 3-1/4" and wider, Length 4' to 16'. • Manufacturing: Not more than 1" of bow, side-bend, wave, or twist in 8' of length. • Trim backs: No specification. Cabinet Calico ((CAB CAL)) Cabinet Calico is identical to Superior Calico with the exception of each board grading NHLA 1 Common. This grade is designed for applications where a natural color variation is desired, when a dark finish will neutralize the color differences of heartwood and sapwood, or when a lower price point is needed. It is ideal for mid-length clear 2 face, and clear 1 face cuttings. SKU: 44CCEW These HI products promote the full use of the natural resource.