b'Red Oak H ardwoodI ndustrIes , I nc .www.hardwoodind.com1 & BETTER COLOR (1&BTR C) SKU: 441BCARO(L)1 & Better Color is a unique grade that develops from questionable or poor appearance boards when grading S/B and FAS lumber where mineral and stain needs to be included in the cuttings.We emphasize pulling this grade to vastly improve the value of ourSuperior grades.Ideal for narrow rip long length mouldings, or when a low price point is desired.Designed for applications that need long and mid-length clear 2 face, andThese H.I. products promote the clear 1 face cuttings where color variation is not an issue. full use of the natural resource.1 & Better Color grades NHLA S/B or #1C after H/M surfacing.The following specs improve or clarify H.I. brand vs. NHLA standards: Heart: Unselected.Splits: Unlimited. Dimensions: Width 3" and wider, Length 4\' to 16\'. Stain: Allowed without limit.Minimum Yield: 66-2/3% on both faces.Color: Irregular color allowed without limit.Manufacturing: Not more than 1" of bow, side-bend,Mineral: Not a defect. wave, or twist in 8\' of length.Trim Backs: No specification.Front BackGRADE CERwwwTIFIED.hardwToodind.comALLY GUARANTEED GRADE CERwwwTIFIED.hardwToodind.comALLY GUARANTEED GRADE CERwwwTIFIED.hardwToodind.comALLY GUARANTEED GRADE CERwwwTIFIED.hardwToodind.comALLY GUARANTEED GRADE CERwwwTIFIED.hardwToodind.comALLY GUARANTEED GRADE CERwwwTIFIED.hardwToodind.comALLY GUARANTEED GRADE CERwwwTIFIED.hardwToodind.comALLY GUARANTEED5.4RED OAK 2.8RED OAK 5.5RED OAK 6.4RED OAK 4.1RED OAK 4.8RED OAK 7.3RED OAKH ardwoodI ndustrIes , I nc . www.hardwoodind.com'