• Not all items in this catalog are stocked at all locations. Buyer’s are encouraged to call and verify availability.
• Mouldings are sold as random length. Specified lengths are available for an additional charge.
• Hardwood Industries’ standards require overages not to exceed 10%.
• Sales other than open account are Cash on Delivery.
• Hardwood Industries accepts company and personal checks as well as VISA, MasterCard, and American Express.
• Open accounts are established with a signed credit application approved by our Credit Department.
• Business terms of 1% 10th/Net 20th or 1-1/2% 10 day/Net 30 are given to fit buyer’s payment preference.
• Invoices not paid by due date will be subject to a 1-1/2% service charge per month on overdue amounts.
• Seller reserves the right to hold or re-schedule deliveries on delinquent accounts.
• A $25.00 charge is assessed on all returned checks.
• Buyers will be asked to approve drawings or other specifications in writing before non-stock items are produced or purchased.
• Deliveries are made by our drivers on curtain side trucks and trailers.
• A minimum fee of $25.00 for orders over $500.00 or $50.00 for orders under $500.00 will be charged for each drop unless other arrangements are made between buyer and seller.
• When goods are shipped via common carrier, responsibility of the seller terminates upon acceptance of material from the carrier.
• Returns will be allowed upon agreement of both parties in advance. Material must be in good re-salable condition.
• A minimum of $25.00 or 20% (which ever is greater) re-stocking charge is applicable. All shortages and claims must be disclosed within seven days of receipt.